Presented by VAST, Listening From The Heart: A Sharing Circle is a three-week workshop for Jewish-identifying people to explore both personal and collective feelings in relation to the violence in Israel and Palestine.
In this offering, we will gather online in a small group and co-create a supportive space together, to express the emotions we may be carrying in our bodies such as anger, grief, fear, and hopelessness.
Through somatic and mindfulness practices and writing prompts, we will welcome our emotions, along with the truth of what our hearts are holding. We will also call upon our wise and well ancestors for their guidance, wisdom and loving support.
Rather than debate politics, this circle is a time for deep listening and bearing witness to our authentic selves, and an invitation to respect, honour and hold each other’s experiences with compassion.
No writing experience is needed to join. Sharing your writing is always a choice and is not required to participate in this workshop. Open to 10 participants.
Date: Three consecutive Tuesdays: September 17, 24 & October 1
Time: 7pm-8:30pm (PST) | Please bring a journal and pen
Cost: Free | Location: Online via Zoom
To register, please visit:
For questions about the workshop, please contact or facilitator Claire Sicherman: